Sunday, January 30, 2005

Aliens at the End of the Bed

Ever wake up in the nether regions of the night only to discover you're not alone. I don't mean your spouse or partner either. I mean a creepy bouncing feeling at your feet. A zapping sound and then complete paralyzation. When does dream turn to waking or vice versa. That time of night is prone to trickery of that sort. Back to the paralyzation....Eyes seemingly open. Mind racing, terror or something like it. A scream stuck in your throat. But are you awake. Is this part of the dream or something more. I suppose if I looked I could find some scientific explanation. Instead I'll wait for the next episode, this one I actually got out some small whimperings. Usually, nothing just screams stuck in the throat.


Caramel Fritter said...

So once i used to read a few..a lot of those unsolved mystery books and stuff...lonely child, you know? Anyway after this I eventualy got friends and stuff. Regardless, my dad went fishing, then locked his keys in the car. Somehow... I don't think he had a cell phone back then, well who realy did it was the early 90's. Anyway I was asked to go pick him up in this remote area so i asked this girl i knew who was also affected by simmilar books and the documentary thingy that we were previously watching on TV where people would drive down some remote road (like the one we were on) and get a chill down their spine, look in the rear view mirror to discover the bed of their pick up was filled with aliens, their heads and big eyes peering back at them peaceful/meanacingly, So anyway we were going down this road and I looked in the rear view mirror (their should have been no one but the two of us in the car, both in the front seat). Regardless, when I looked in the rear view mirror their was this shape.... Shocked I looked away quickly and asked the person riding with me to look. She couldn't look confessing the hair had been up on the back of her neck for some minutes before. I looked again. It was the headreast...I think.

The Dawg said...

I may have forgotten to mention that I'd drank five cans of coke to wash down the horse tranquilizer I was prescribed by my vet. I blame the lack of aspartame!

Lady K said...

There is a legend on the east coast of Canada called the 'Sea Hag' where you wake up in bed with intense pressure on your chest, you might hear chains or moaning and smell the pervasive scent of sea air. The thing is that you are semi-conscious while this is happening to you... I read about it in a book called, The Fourth Monkey, which explores areas of science that scientists don't really want to deal with.

The thing with the sea hag is that it happens in other cultures around the world too...

Caramel Fritter said...

sort of like the sea hag... I read this book ... well skimmed it. One of the creatures in it was this creature that would crawl on you while you were asleep and have it's way with you, know what i mean, know what i mean, say no more, say no more. In hindsight I think these apparitions may have been realy repressed people discovering a method of masterbation without "Christian" guilt.
PS The sea hag has reportedly almost killed people with sleep apnia too.