Tuesday, December 14, 2004

blogging through the mire

This ISN'T my first blog. I'd like to say it was, were, grammar schmammar. As far as I'm concerned grammar should be the neat old lady who brings you stale muffins and makes you feel guilty that you don't live in horribly disfiguring poverty like they did in the good old days. Remember the good old days. Being too young to do anything cool and by the time you were old enough it wasn't really cool anymore. '" Hey everyone look at me I'm payin for the gas!! Yeah now who's cool, ooh and I also got to pump it too!! In yer face, sista!" I'd blame tv but we weren't really allowed to watch it and when we did it was KVOS reruns from the early thirties. "Hey Andy, aunt Bee said youse was supposed to pick up Opie." "Well, light my fire Barney wha dint you tell me that ealier, shucks Opie is gunna be right gummed up!" Ok it was tv, that and Tarzan with Johnny Weismuller. Some role model, he ran around all day in a dish cloth and wrestled anything with a pulse, that got me in some trouble let me tell ya.
Another paragraph. I love rules. Imagine what writing was like before rules. i think I should've paid more attention in school, maybe if they used heiroglyphics. The Egyptians were pretty darn smart, catering to the literally challenged like that. I mean you were never stuck wondering what a word meant, oh the LITTLE man walking arms out towards the left, sorry I'm dislexic I saw him walking to the right, my mistake. Sometimes I wish i were Egyptian. Totally kidding, except for the loincloths, do they still wear loincloths, I mean that would be cool, unless you were a teenage boy.....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

You can't fool me...you're like me...write like you talk. I must remember to wear the rubber underwear when I read your blog.

what was/is your 1st blog?