Wednesday, December 15, 2004

This painting was started a year ago September during a holiday in Roberts Creek with the sexy lady who is now my wife. The brain is like a big mushy hard drive which is connected to two mushy cameras and they in turn send funny ideas to my skinny fingers. Then my fingers reach out for anything that is capable of making marks that other squishy brained humans can interpret in their own way. When the "peice" is complete I do things like scan it into a computer and stare at it thinking wow everyone's gonna love this. This is the true mandate of all visual artists to hear people say WoW I love It! Lot's of time if the people aren't drunk or doing things which have been deemed illegal by the man and his gorgeous wife, they say things like mmmm interesting or bah hah aha I could do that. Or my favorite, PAF! a punch in the kisser and "you, are a pervert!!!" then shuffling feet and a small tear. I love that one. Hopefully to fulfill my mandate, which may be a misusage of the word, someone will not only love this painting but fork over a couple G's to help me make more. Making money is the secret mandate of all artists though most adamantly deny this saying things about integrety and not "selling out". It is in the best interest of artistic progress to not call artists on this. I have a whole bag of integrety, that means I eat a lot of spagetti and trendy food like raw bleached flour balls recipe below.

Raw bleached flour
sugary water

mix in a bowl or in sink if you have no bowl, when you can make the floury concoction into balls, you're done. Eat on the sidewalk to provoke strong feelings of disgust or compassion in your fellow man.

Come back later for more recipes for people with lot's of integrety.

A day out with my imagination Posted by Hello

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